
Chi axis
- axis moves up automatically during sample transfer
- motor swings in and out
- rotation range approx 110°

Goniometer head
- automatic goniometer head with x,y,z translations
- point & click centering via software

Crystal monitor
- built-in camera with large LCD screen
- vial holder
- responsible for putting vial onto goniometer head
The easymount adds an automatic sample mount and retrieval mechanism to the functions of the standard mardtb "desktop beamline", our multi-purpose goniometer.
With the easymount, mounting of frozen crystals becomes extremely simple. Even the most unexperienced user will be able to safely mount and retrieve crystals without quality loss. With the easymount you can screen your crystals and select the best ones for data collection without having to fear that the crystal is lost when removed from the diffractometer.
The easymount comes with built-in motorized x,y,z-translations for the goniometer head including a solenoid for holding magnetic caps. Standard goniometer heads are obsolete. Samples can be centered from the software or "manually" using a local motor control box with push-buttons.
The easymount is available as an option for a new mardtb or it can be purchased as an upgrade to an existing mardtb.
Take your vial from the dewar, clip it onto the server arm, press the LOAD-button on the button box (remote control unit) and you are done. Click here for a larger version of the video...
Crystal centering is done by point and click on your computer. The motorized goniometer-head moves the crystal to the center of the beam within seconds. Click here for a larger version of the video... |
Want to try another crystal? Press the LOAD-button again, fill the empty vial with liquid Nitrogen, clip it onto the server arm, press the LOAD-button once more and the crystal will be placed in the vial and removed from the goniometer head. It can now safely be placed in the Dewar. Click here for a larger version of the video... |
Does your crystal require annealing? No problem, with the built-in ”Anneal” command you can do this from the control computer. Click here for a larger version of the video... |
Movies are in mp4 format and use the H.264 codec. All movies are full size with 768x576 pixels resolution.
- Product brochure (pdf: 1.8 MB)
- Sample load (mp4: 5.7 MB)
- Sample centering (mp4: 3.1 MB)
- Sample unload (mp4: 8.2 MB)
- Crystal annealing (mp4: 3.7 MB)